The world is moving rapidly towards digital ways of working keeping in mind the industry demand and consumer preferences. With the need for digital, arising across the globe, additional skillsets are  required to remain competitive in the emerging markets. Today, the biggest challenge organizations and individuals are facing is the training and development of workforce on latest trends and opportunities disrupting businesses.

Learning new skills is becoming  popular and executives in organisations are now linking skill sets and knowledge of technology and interventions directly to certain roles and responsibility. From encouraging interaction through digital interfaces, to enhancing internal networking, and from adopting new technologies to transforming the legacy ways businesses operate, it is vital for organizations to supplement the tech age through skill development of internal and external workforce.

The Centre for Digital Transformation, under the aegis of CII has developed an online course module on Digital Transformation, for individuals and organizations seeking knowledge on critical elements of the digital world. The module comprises an 8-hour long certification based immersive training on a unique AI (Artificial Intelligence) based platform.  The course is designed to be accessed anywhere, anytime and can be completed within a span of 30 days. The module for Digital enablers (Level 1) is focused on preparing individuals and organizations for the digital future. The program content and delivery methodology are tailored for different audience bearing different skill sets, keeping in mind their needs and capabilities.

Each participant will be able to measure their digital competency using a personalized navigator tool that maps the skills against the competency on the Skills Alpha platform. They will also be able to view their skill completion and pending status on a dashboard and receive a certificate after the completion of each skill, which can include different delivery mechanisms.


e-learning, quizzes, exercises, expert take from industry leaders, peer feedbacks

The Digital Enabler (Level 1) consists of an immersive online experience that includes:

Online learning

  • Check your knowledge quizzes
  • Industry leaders’ perspective
  • Peer interactions and feedback
  • Final Assessment

Learning Objectives:

  • To understand the aspects of the digital revolution
  • To get an overview of technologies driving digital disruption
  • To understand the skills needed for the digital age

Module Content:

  • Understanding digitization
  • Disrupted Industries and Connected Consumers
  • Business Models in the Digital Age
  • Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud
  • Digital Banking and Currency
  • Technologies driving disruption
  • Skills for the Digital Age

Learning Outcomes:

  • Participants will be able to appreciate the importance of digital
  • Be more open to changes happening their organisations
  • Re-skill and adapt to changes in their way of working

Enrol for the Online course on Digital Transformation by 24th April 2020. Click Here to Register